The Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) is a student-driven, ongoing process that actively engages students, enabling them to:

  • Understand their own interests, strengths, values, and learning styles

  • Create a vision of their future

  • Develop individual goals

  • Prepare a personal plan for achieving their vision and goals

Students collaborate with parents, teachers, mentors, and counselors to develop their ICAP to meet personal goals. The ICAP is encouraged for all students but is a graduation requirement beginning with the Class of 2023.

It's YOUR SENIOR YEAR!!!! Congratulations! Some of you plan to go straight to work after you graduate, and I applaud you for that. Find a job you love, because life is too short to be stuck in a job you hate. Earning your high school diploma will allow you to make more money than those who drop out of school.

Others of you will continue your education at a technical school such as Red River. That's great too! Red River has a two-year scholarship for graduates, which allows you to complete a program with them and not have to pay for tuition. Be sure to ask me about this if you are interested.

For those of you who plan to attend college after you graduate, it's time to start making plans! I recommend that you apply to at least 3 colleges so you have options. You will need to apply early so that you are eligible for their scholarships.

I look forward to working with you as a senior! The door to my office is always open, or you can send me an email at tara.cook@duncanps.org. Let me know how I can help you achieve your dreams!

Tara Cook
Senior Counselor
Email Tara Cook